
Khazanah Megatrends Forum

The Khazanah Megatrends Forum (KMF) is one of the highlights of the year at Khazanah Nasional. Held annually since 2005, KMF brings together experts and thought leaders to discuss global trends as well as to address current critical issues. The Forum has become a platform for the gathering of Malaysia’s influential members in the business, academic and socio-political communities.

The theme for each KMF is discussed from four main perspectives:

  • Macro and Markets
  • Firms and Transformation
  • Growth and Development
  • People and Leadership

Participation in the Khazanah Megatrends Forum is by invitation only.


Sustainability @ KMF

Since 2023, Khazanah Megatrends Forum reaffirms its dedication to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by giving importance to conscientious event management and gathering information regarding transportation emissions.

The carbon emissions stemming from participant vehicles, air travel, and ground transportation are meticulously assessed, with the goal of mitigating the event’s ecological footprint and playing a part in the worldwide campaign against climate change.


Khazanah Nasional Berhad

Khazanah Nasional Berhad (“Khazanah”) is the sovereign wealth fund of Malaysia entrusted to deliver sustainable value for Malaysians. In line with its long-term strategy of Advancing Malaysia, Khazanah aims to deliver its purpose by investing in catalytic sectors, creating value through active stewardship, increasing its global presence, as well as building capacity and vibrant communities for the benefit of Malaysians. For more information on Khazanah, visit www.khazanah.com.my